Selling Your Business
Our Objectives
Acquire profitable, well established manufacturing companies from legacy-minded business owners, support the long-term success of the businesses acquired, and create sustainable and growing shareholder returns.
Disciplined Criteria
- Disciplined acquisition strategy.
- Focus on opportunities in manufacturing.
- Steady cash flows with growth potential.
- Established, strong leadership.
- Sustainable competitive advantage.
- Operations based in North America and the United Kingdom.
- Enterprise value up to $25 million.

Buy / Build / Hold
- Acquire 100% ownership.
- Vendors and key management have equity interest.
- Provide capital to grow the business.
- Long term ownership.
Strong Partnerships
- Subsidiaries continue to operate autonomously.
- Maintain individual business identity.
- Oversight through strategic planning, financial reports, and other support.
- Partner with existing management to grow the business.
- Access to resources to help achieve business potential.

Why Decisive
- Legacy-minded business model.
- Exit opportunity.
- Opportunity to cash out (purchase consideration: minimum 10% Decisive Dividend shares, remainder in cash).
- Participate in future Decisive Dividend growth.
- Business as usual.
- Opportunity for equity ownership (Employee Share Purchase Plan).
- Capital to grow the business.
- Stability of long-term ownership.
- Commitment to communities where businesses are located.
- Sustainable and growing shareholder returns.
- Monthly dividend strategy.
- Growing portfolio of companies.
- Strong deal flow.
- Industry and geographic diversification.
- Organic growth of existing companies.

If you think you’re company or situation may be of interest to us, please do not hesitate to confidentially contact us at 1-250-870-9146.